

Flutter Android and iOS Apps + Web site


Full service development


Web and Mobile Front end and Back End developers + Project and Product manager.

About the Platform

We built the complete set of Voye’s Esim apps and website. Based on their own UI design, we built their commercial service for them. Enabling them to sell their Esim offering and provide smooth global network communication service in a simple, seamless and smooth Esim experience – anywhere in the world !
We keep on monitoring and maintaining the product till today.

The challenge

Connecting with Voye’s high-end technology and packing it up in a simple user interface that is good for global use and supports many languages. Building this with Flutter, saved a lot of resources for client because of shared code base.

The solution

5 star rated live apps: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.voyeglobal https://apps.apple.com/il/app/voye-global/id6447675543

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